My tech stack when I create a simple web app

2 min readFeb 8, 2023


I have created a Web App for myself that saves URLs and comments.

The main functions are as follows

  • Google Login
  • Create/update/delete posts
  • Tagging of posts
  • Filtering of posts

Here is the tech stack when I created it.

Source code is here:

Main Directory Structure

It is a normal structure.

├── __tests__
├── emulators: Firebase emulator settings
├── functions: Firebase functions
└── src: client main sources
├── components
├── hooks
├── lib
├── pages
├── repository
├── states
├── types
└── utils


Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.

I don’t want to write css, so I use the component library.

A state management library for React


  • Vercel

I like it because it is easy to deploy and easy to set up CI/CD.

  • Firebase Auth

It is used for Google login.
If we use `signInWithRedirect`, additional changes are required because it does not behave properly in browsers other than chrome.
Best practices for using signInWithRedirect on browsers that block third-party storage access | Firebase
Firebase Auth `getRedirectResult` is always null when I run the app in Safari — Stack Overflow

  • Firestore

The following collections are created
userNames collection: list of user names
users collection: storage of user data, postings, and tags

I use emulator for local development. It is also useful for testing.
The rules are managed in a file and tests are described for the main behavior. For more information, see firestoreRules.test.ts.

  • Cloud Functions

Small application, so it is managed in the same directory.
Logic that is performed starting from Firestore updates is described.

I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Source code is here:

